There is no SECTION ZERO
SECTI0N ZERO isn't a secret section of the United Nation's charter. It does not perpetually fund a group of experts and explorers to investigate the fantastic and unknown. The idea that this "team" looks into such things as UFO's, monsters, lost civilizations, time travel, ancient gods, and still-living dinosaurs is nothing but an urban myth.
After all, none of these things exist.
If you missed the KICKSTARTER, you can still get the book. Plus many of the rewards we offered. Because that's how much we like you.

ZERO intro
This 5-page Preview originally ran in George Perez's Crimson Plague #1, back in 2000.
ZERO cast
Everything you need to know to tell your 24-Hour Bugs from your Sargasso sea creatures.
ZERO creators
Ah! The life of a cartoonist! Meet Karl Kesel, Tom Grummett and the other talented people who work on SECTION ZERO… when they're not jetting around the world, hobnobbing with celebrities!
ZERO thanks
There is no SECTION ZERO... without the support of many people. Here are just a few of them…